Women United leaders are United Way donors with a passion for supporting women!
Women United is a global initiative of United Way Worldwide operating in over 165 communities across the US and around the globe on issues affecting women, children, and families. United Way of Greater New Bedford founded our local Women United in 2018.
Women United Leaders
Women United leaders donate $1,000 or more annually in support of Women United's impact initiatives.
Women United provides opportunities for:
- Belonging to a community of like-minded women
- On-going involvement through volunteer opportunities
- Networking at fun and engaging member-only events
- Investment in impact-focused and collaborative community efforts supporting women and children
- Collaborating with business and community leaders
- Special recognition at Women United's signature event, Power of the Purse
- Opportunity to join and participate in Women United committees
Donations can be made by check, credit card, payroll deduction through workplace giving, stock transfer, or qualified IRA charitable distribution. Contributions can be made monthly or quarterly via credit card.
Step-Up Program
Women United offers a Step-Up program for new supporters. Step-Up leaders make a three-year commitment and are recognized as Women United leaders starting in year one. To learn more or join, contact Paula at 508-994-0625 ext. 213 or pmontgomery@unitedwayofgnb.org.
Deepen Your Engagement:
Women United has various ways for interested supporters to be involved in our work that fulfills their interests while helping further our mission and increase community impact.
Create a profile on Volunteer SouthCoast and stay connected to the Women United page.
- Volunteer as a Financial Futures Coach
- Host a Baby Bundles drive among friends or at your place of employment
- Team up with other members to support a Wash & Read site
- Donate products and services to an event
- Host a Women United gathering at your home
- Host a book drive for Wash & Read
- Join a Women United committee or event committee
- Become a Bright by Text ambassador
- Support Power of the Purse by attending, donating a bag, or running a bag collection
- Create a Women United fundraiser using your social media (Birthdays are a great time)
Meet Our Women United Leaders
- Starlene Alves*
- Maureen S. Armstrong
- Cheryl Bartlett*
- Marlissa Briggett
- Kate Carney*
- Christina R. Connelly
- Elizabeth Craig
- Diana D'Agostine
- Tatiana Dagraca
- Jennifer Downing*
- Ivis Espinoza
- Francine Ferguson
- Deidre A. Fountain
- Margarita Graham
- Michelle N. Hantman
- Liz Isherwood
- Wendy Joblon
- Cindy Ko
- Sarah E. Korolnek
- Leslie Lawrence
- Linley LePage
- Kate Mahoney
- Nancy Martins
- Beth McDermott
- Nancy McFadden
- Nicole Mello
- Carolyn Metivier
- Paula Montgomery
- Elizabeth Moorehead
- Rosemary Neto Hazzard
- Carolyn Pontes
- Andrea Rodrigues
- Guelmie Santiago*
- Jill Simoes*
- Jennifer St. Pierre
- Anne Tangen
*Women United Leadership Council. Click on their name to learn more.
Women United Leadership Council (WULC) is an advisory body providing leadership and strategic recommendations to United Way of Greater New Bedford’s Women United initiative. The WULC works to foster participation, commitment, and growth of philanthropic-focused women in furthering United Way’s mission and Women United initiatives.
Meet Rosemary Neto Hazzard, Women United Leader