Community Impact Grants invest local dollars into our communities by supporting programs that address targeted issues identified by United Way of Greater New Bedford. Grants are competitive with an open application process. This year, United Way of Greater New Bedford will focus its support on the impact areas of Healthy Community and Youth Opportunities. Grants to support the Financial Security impact area will be by invitation only. 

Interested non-profit organizations are asked to complete a Letter of Intent (LOI). Successful applicants will be invited to complete a Request for Proposal (RFP). An all-volunteer committee will review and score these proposals, interview new applicants, and make funding recommendations. Organizations receiving grants are accountable for responsible use of the funds and must file mid-year and final reports measuring their service impact.

Our Community Impact Areas include:

Healthy Community: Improving health and wellbeing for all.

  • Nutrition & food security
  • Mental health
  • Maternal & child health
  • Substance misuse

Youth Opportunity: Helping young people realize their full potential.

  • Early education and childcare
  • In- school, after- school & summer learning
  • Literacy development

Financial Security: Creating a stronger financial future for every generation. 

  • Financial education and coaching
  • Public benefits access
  • Homelessness prevention & affordable housing

Grant Criteria

  • Non-profits and public entities are eligible to apply for funding for one program or service.
  • Only one application per organization, some exceptions may apply.
  • Proposals representing partnerships or collaborations are welcome. A clear backbone or lead fiscal agent must be identified and be responsible for monitoring and reporting on outcomes.
  • Applicants may apply for up to one year of funding.
  • If your organization is currently receiving Community Impact grant funding, you are eligible to submit a new application if you have completed your mid-year grant report. 

Scope of Application

  • Nonprofits and public entities in Greater New Bedford are often in need of resources to continue, maintain, or expand their high-quality programs and services through operational support of programs.
  • Operational support of programs includes funding to support staff salaries, associated benefits and taxes, supplies and materials of programs, and other direct and indirect costs as reasonable for the success of the program or service.
  • UWGNB is seeking to support the most impactful existing programs and services in UWGNB’s impact areas of Healthy Community, Youth Opportunity, and Financial Security. See the Impact Areas section for more information about the targeted outcomes UWGNB is interested in funding.
  • Proposals must directly align with UWGNB’s impact areas and must have the existing infrastructure to track specific program success and measurement aligned to impact outcomes (see below).  

Grant Amount

  • Maximum: $25,000, minimum: $10,000


  • Non-profits and public entities are eligible to apply for one program or service. Only one application per organization.
  • Proposals may come from collaborations and networks as well as standalone organizations. Collaborations are required to clearly identify a fiscal agent and an organizational lead responsible for reporting on outcomes.
  • Proposed programs or service must benefit UWGNB’s service area of the city of New Bedford and the surrounding towns of Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Freetown, Marion, Mattapoisett, Rochester, and Wareham. 


  • Completed Letter of Intent
  • Completed Request for Proposal that meets criteria (by invitation)
  • Participation in interview and/ or site visit, if required 

Review Criteria

  • Program Alignment with UWGNB impact areas. Applicants must aim to address at least one of the identified indicators in UWGNB’s Health Community, Youth Opportunity, or Financial Security (by invitation) impact areas.
  • Applicants must properly project how many beneficiaries will achieve selected program indicator(s) and be equipped to report on their success in achieving their projected outcomes at the end of the grant period. 
  • Quality of Program. Based on the projected number of beneficiaries achieving program indicator(s) and other supporting evidence, the applicant makes a clear case for the effectiveness of the program. 
  • Partner credibility, leadership, and staff time: The applicant is credible and is willing to allot the appropriate amount of staff time (including leadership time) to achieve the application’s goals. 
  • Evaluation & Program Improvement: The applicant has a plan to evaluate their program or service and use that information to continuously improve the program or service. 
  • Budget: The budget is reasonable given the potential impact of the project. UWGNB funding is used appropriately and is an integral part of the budget.
  • Program or Service Sustainability: The program or service has a track record of success in receiving grant funding. The funding for the program or service is diverse enough that sustainability of the program or service is not in question.
  • Financial Health of Organization: The applicant has a healthy financial position as assessed through their organizational budget, audit, and financial statements.

Grant Timeline

March 10: Letter of Intent (LOI) opens 
April 4: Letter of Intent (LOI) closes 
Week of April 14: Notification of invitation to complete Request for Proposal  
May 5: Request for Proposal closes  
Week of May 19: Applicant interviews and/or site visits 
Week of June 30: Grant award notification 

Letter of Intent

  • Two-page maximum 
  • Submit via CommunityForce 
  • Letters of Intent must include:
    • Summary of the program or service
    • Summary of how the program or service aligns with UWGNB mission and impact areas and program indicator; directly citing target issues and specific program indicators the applicant will track during the grant period 

How to Apply

United Way of Greater New Bedford will accept Letter of Intents (LOI) from March 10 - April 4 from non-profit organizations in United Way of Greater New Bedford's service area. Applicants selected to submit a Request for Proposal will be notified the week of April 14.  


Grantees are expected to submit a midyear and final report to UWGNB. 

Reports will include:

  • Demographic information about program participants: age, race, ethnicity, gender, income range, and service area.
  • Any notable successes or stories in the program with a picture, if applicable
  • Performance of the program or service as it relates to the selected indicators that the applicant projected (see below for additional detail)
  • Any setbacks or challenges over the course of the grant period; opportunities to improve the program or service
  • Other program outcomes, as specified by the applicant
  • Plans to improve the program based on its prior year’s performance
  • Detailed spending report & narrative