Throughout the year, United Way of Greater New Bedford engages businesses throughout the region to host community collection drives for food, baby items, books, toys, and more! Collection drives are a great way to engage your employees and business in the community. United Way makes hosting drives easy by supplying collection bins, posters & flyers, and social media graphics and text. We also provide an Amazon Wish List so donors can purchase items online and have shipped right to us!
Drive Types/ Timelines
Book Drives - Any time
Promote literacy with kids newbord to age 8 by collecting new and gently used books for Women United's Wash & Read initiative.
Kid-Friendly Food - March
Make sure kids don't go hungry over school vacation week by collecting kid-friendly food items to be packaged into 1,000 kid meal packs during Spring Hunger Heroes. Packs are distributed by local school districts.
Baby Items - Primarily in July/August, but can run any time
New moms and their babies need a lot of support. By collecting basic supplies for babies such as diapers and wipes for Women United's Baby Bundles initiative you can give them the best start.
Thanksgiving Food - October/November
Help us package 1,000 Thanksgiving meals at Hunger Heroes by collecting those classic items for a holiday meal. Distributed by local food pantries.
Toys & Gift Cards for our Annual Toy Drive - December
Keep the holiday spirit alive for kids & teens by collecting toys and gift cards for the holidays. Each year we partner with the New Bedford Fire Department to collect and distribute items to local organizations for kids.
Have questions? Contact Victoria Grasela at vgrasela@unitedwayofgnb.org or 508-994-9625 ext. 210.
Sign up for a drive