Financial Wellness at Work - LifeStream

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Meet Your Financial Wellness Coordinator

Hello! I am Dora, United Way’s Financial Wellness at Work Coordinator. I am looking forward to working with the team at LifeStream. I understand the importance of financial well-being in your life, and am here to support you on your journey towards financial success. As your dedicated financial coordinator, my mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions about your finances.

Whether you're just starting to plan for your future, seeking guidance on budgeting and debt management, or anything in between, I am here to help. With a personalized approach, I can tailor your plan to meet your unique financial goals and aspirations.

Your financial well-being is a priority and I am excited to embark on this journey with you. I will be onsite on Tuesdays, so we can work together to build a strong financial foundation that empowers you to achieve your dreams.

I am also here to connect you with local resources. Whether you are looking for support for your children or elderly parents, or looking to buy your first home, I am here to point you in the right direction.

If you have any immediate questions or would like to schedule a one-on-one meeting contact me directly at 774-762-8315 or

Dora Lima

What is Financial Wellness at Work?

The Financial Wellness at Work Program embeds trained United Way coordinators in the workplace to meet individually with employees to provide confidential coaching, year-long workshops, and access to resources to enable employees to make informed money decisions and set financial goals.

What can Financial Wellness at Work Provide?

  • Workshops at your Workplace
    Topics include How to Manage Your Money, Designing a Budget, Spending and Saving, Protecting Your Credit Rating, Debt Management, and more.
  • One-on-One Weekly Coaching
    Confidential meetings with a trusted advisor who can help you solve a problem, access resources, or reach your personal goals.
  • Small Dollar Loan Program
    If needed, together with Taunton Federal Credit Union, set up a low-cost, small-dollar loan managed through payroll deductions.

Taunton Federal Credit Union


FWW Blog

June 2024 - Financial Foundations

July 2024 - Eating Healthy on a Budget

August 2024 - Navigating "Junk Fees"

September 2024 - Back-To-School Financial Tips


Office Hours at LifeStream

Dora will be on-site on a rotating schedule on Tuesdays from 8:30 - 11:30 am. You can also reach out to Dora via email or phone at any time.

Welby Road Dates

  • September 17
  • October 15
  • November 12

Mill Road Dates

  • August 27
  • September 24
  • October 22
  • November 19

Father DeValles Blvd Dates

  • September 3
  • October 1
  • October 29
  • November 26

Beacon Street Dates

  • September 10
  • October 8
  • November 5
  • December 3

Click below to ask Dora a question or set up a one-on-one coaching session.