Be a Financial Wellness Mentor
Financial Wellness volunteer mentors play a vital role in the success of the program; mentors help women apply the money management skills they are learning to their personal financial situation and goals.
Women United's investment in financial literacy is helping women transform their lives by developing a foundational understanding of personal finances and a focus on financial goals. Through the mentor/mentee relationship, participants receive individualized support and encouragement to address their unique goals and challenges.
Attend an Information Session to Learn More!
Thursday, March 27 via Zoom
12:30 -1 pm Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/o7piS4K5T1623LQbdzTMyA
5 - 5:30 pm Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/vZeG34yrS0-Ja0xSK5vbzg
Role of a Financial Wellness Mentor:
Support women in Greater New Bedford to overcome challenges and achieve their financial goals by:
- Participating in weekly workshops alongside participant. (Programs run 10 consecutive weeks with occasional breaks for holidays and school vacations.)
- Providing 1:1 coaching and mentorship, guidance, and encouragement to a program participant.
- Connecting virtually or in-person with mentee between weekly sessions; schedule and approach based on you and your participant's preference and availability.
- Sharing your expertise and experiences to inspire and empower program participants.
- Collaborating with staff, presenters, and fellow volunteers to create a positive and supportive learning environment.
Are you?
- A women who wants to help another woman in her journey to personal growth?
- Patient, open-minded, and supportive?
- A good listener and communicator?
- Willing and available to attend weekly workshops during the 10-week program?
- Open to sharing your personal experience, insight and expertise?
*Volunteer mentors do not have to have a financial background or expert knowledge.
Questions about Women United or United Way's work in financial security? Contact Paula Montgomery, Women United Director at pmontgomery@unitedwayofgnb.org or 508-994-9625.