Creating opportunities for better lives often starts by addressing basic needs. United Way strives to support people as they journey toward financial independence. Many events can hurtle an individual or family into crisis, from a job loss or illness to the breakup of a relationship.

People living in financially unstable homes frequently encounter other foundational quality-of-life needs, such as good health and nutrition. Without a stable and family-sustaining income, people can find themselves falling behind rather than moving forward in creating a good quality of life.

United Way supports:

  • Access to adequate, nutritious, and culturally appropriate foods
  • Housing stability
  • Health Services
  • Financial Literacy and free tax prep
  • Access to prescription drugs
  • Support for recovery from addiction
  • Paths to stability for domestic violence survivors
  • Adult literacy and vocational skills training


UWGNB Initiatives

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United Way of Greater New Bedford’s Hunger Commission is the only local program that coordinates food distribution to emergency food pantries and kitchens, working with locations throughout Bristol and Plymouth Counties to alleviate hunger in the region.

Annually, the Hunger Commission distributes hundreds of thousands pounds of food – including fresh, locally grown produce – to local programs for those in need. As a leading statewide advocate on hunger.

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Mass 211 is a free, confidential, referral hotline that connects residents to local information on critical health and human services. Mass 211 can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by simply dialing 211 or visiting

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SingleCare seeks to bring savings to uninsured or underinsured families (and their pets!) throughout the United States, with discounts of up to 80%! All you need to do is obtain your SingleCare card and present it at your pharmacy for instant savings. Free, more durable SingleCare prescription savings cards will be in soon. While the transition from FamilyWize to SingleCare is happening, you can still make use of your FamilyWize card.

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Community Impact Partners

The CEDC is an IRS affiliated VITA site, providing free electronic tax filing to low and moderate income residents with targeted outreach to working families, micro businesses and seniors who are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit or the state Senior Circuit Breaker.

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Damien's Place provides nutritious, well balanced food to clients - weekly or bi-weekly - to allow families to enjoy meals together and to ensure residents have the food they need.

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Health Imperatives believes everyone deserves access to high-quality, confidential, and affordable health care, and we provide compassionate and equitable care to people of all income levels, races, ethnicities, gender identities, countries of origin, and immigration statuses. They offer a range of services from pregnancy prevention and birth control to HIV prevention medication and gender affirming hormone therapy.

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The Immigrants' Assistance Center prepares legal permanent residents in the Greater New Bedford region to become naturalized, economically contributing U.S. citizens.  

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YouthBuild New Bedford is part of a larger network, serving approximately 350 million young people globally, ages 16-24. Young people who were unsuccessful in the traditional school system, but need and want to acquire the knowledge, training and opportunities that lead to productive livelihoods. YouthBuild is the vehicle through which these young people can build the skillsets and mindsets that lead to employability, community leadership and positive change.

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The English Literacy Language Program is designed to improve the English language literacy skills of children who are English Language Learners(ELLs) in the Southcoast community schools.

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The South Coast LGBTQ+ Network’s Elevate Youth initiative exists to support the unique needs of LGBTQ+ youth in the South Coast of Massachusetts. We believe that when young people feel empowered and have an active role in defining their future, they are more likely to reach their full potential and make lasting societal change. We are focused on facilitating connections between LGBTQ+ youth and their peers, improving LGBTQ+ youth outcomes, and addressing LGBTQ+ homelessness issues.

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The New Bedford Women’s Residential Rehabilitation Service RRS Program provides 21 beds for women and women with infants with substance use disorders.

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Turning Point provides supportive services to individuals and families who are facing various life challenges and are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless as a result. They provide housing assistance, utility assistance, telephone and/or mailbox assistance, emergency food assistance, infant/toddler supplies, and transportation assistance to clients who prove need in the Greater Wareham Area.

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Community Collaborations

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Formally known as the Southeastern MA Food Security Network, the Marion Institute Southcoast Food Policy Council’s mission is to connect, convene, and advocate for local food producers, consumers, and community leaders who seek policy and systems that strengthen our regional food system, improve community health, and eliminate food insecurity.

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The City of New Bedford coordinates a comprehensive response to homelessness using a “Continuum of Care” approach through its Homeless Service Provider Network [HSPN].

The HSPN meets regularly to address the most pressing issues around the complexity of homelessness and works toward ensuring every individual and every family has access to appropriate, sustainable safe, decent and affordable housing